

1. Nu conteaza de cate ori esti doborat, important este de cate ori reusesti sa te ridici.
2. Nu te teme sa recunosti ca nu stii ceva. Spune „Nu stiu” si semenii tai te vor respecta.
3. Cand obtii un succes, intotdeauna imparte-l cu cei care te-au ajutat; ei la randul lor te vor rasplati cu loialitate.
4. Cea mai grava greseala e sa nu-ti dai seama ca ai gresit!
5. Fa-ti treaba bine chiar daca ai o zi proastra!
6. Fii atent cui impartasesti visele tale de marire in cariera; acele persoane vor juca un rol esential in realizarea sau esecul ambitiilor tale.
7. Fa putin mai mult decat se asteapta de la tine – si persevereaza!
8. Cladeste-ti o reputatie pe ceea ce ai realizat pana acum, nu pe ceea ce intentionezi sa faci!
9. Cultiva-ti curiozitatile si cauta informatii despre ceea ce te intereseaza.
10. Insufla incredere la persoanele din jurul tau. Este foarte important sa traiesti intr-un mediu optimist.
11. Noteaza imediat orice idee noua sau gand de al tau.
12. Dezvolta-ti capacitatea de a te concentra si a da randament in conditii de stres.
13. Adapteaza-te la mediul in care inveti, muncesti sau traiesti.
14. Colecteaza informatii si materiale despre domeniile care te intereseaza. Nici nu stii cand vei avea nevoie de ele.
15. Viseaza cat de des poti la viitorul stralucit pe care il vei avea. Ai incredere in tine si convinge-te ca nimic nu va sta in calea fericirii tale.
16. Fii pro-activ! Optimismul si buna dispozitie te vor ajuta sa iesi din situatiile delicate.
17. Gandeste global si actioneaza local.
18. Incearca sa fii un bun specialist, decat sa fii un bun generalist in domeniu in care lucrezi. Nu-ti neglija totusi cultura generala.
19. Fixeaza-ti obiective pe termen scurt si recompenseaza-te daca reusesti sa le atingi.
20. Fii tu insuti in tot ceea ce faci!


1. Fresca, the soft drink, had problems when it was sold in Mexico. There, Fresca is slang for lesbian.

2. In Mexico, the Chevy "Nova" was a bit of a joke -- "no va" in Spanish means, "Won't go.."

3. Nike has a television commercial for hiking shoes that was shot in using Samburu tribesmen. The camera closes in on the one tribesman who speaks, in native Maa. As he speaks, the Nike slogan "Just do it" appears on the screen. Lee Cronk, an anthropologist at the University of Cincinnati, says the Kenyan is really saying, "I don't want these. Give me big shoes." Says Nike's Elizabeth Dolan, "We thought nobody in America would know what he said."

4. The most expensive advertisement slots in American TV history were during the last episode of "Seinfeld". Each 30-second spot sold for an estimated $1.5 million. NBC made more than $30 million in advertising revenues on that one show.

5. When Gerber baby foods began to sell in parts of Africa, they continued to use their usual packaging, with the cute baby on the front. They didn't realize until later that where they were selling it, it was a common practice to help illiterate people buy things by putting pictures on the wrapper of what was inside....

6. Mr. Peanut was invented in 1916 by a Suffolk, Virginia schoolchild who won $5 in a design contest sponsored by Planters Peanuts.

7. The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr. Potato Head®. Introduced in 1952, Mr. Potato Head® took advantage of TV's explosive growth to gain access to tens of millions of newly "plugged-in" households.

8. When Coca-Cola began to be sold in China, they used characters that would sound like "Coca-Cola" when spoken. Unfortunately, what they turned out to mean was "Bite the wax tadpole". It did not sell well.

9. In Chinese, the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan 'finger-lickin' good' came out as 'eat your fingers off.'

10. Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."

11. In the 40's, the Bich pen was changed to Bic for fear that Americans would pronounce it 'Bitch.' source

12. Guinness is considered an aphrodisiac in some African countries, and is marketed under the slogan "a baby in every bottle." source

13. A clay tablet dating around 4000 BC excavated in what is today Syria is inscribed what is know as the earliest know beer advertisement. The tablet is adorned with a large-breasted woman holding two goblets and is inscribed with the caption " Drink Ebla Beer - the beer with the heart of a lion!" - Zymurgy ’98 source

14. Norwalk, Connecticut - The Caldor department store chain apologized this week after 11 million copies of an advertising circular showed two smiling boys playing Scrabble around a board with the word "RAPE" spelled out. Caldor said it does not know who did it or how it got past the proofreaders. source

15. Some carousel advertisements in early nineteenth century America stated that the ride was highly recommended by physicians as an aid in circulating the blood. source

16. Pepsi’s “Come alive with the Pepsi generation” slogan, when translated into Chinese means “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the Grave.” source

17. In one year, the average child sees about 20,000 30-second commercials. source

A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and
art into pedantry. Hence University education.
-- G. B. Shaw

A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened
into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the
hope of greening the landscape of idea.
-- John Ciardi

A grammarian's life is always in tense.

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices.
-- William James

A reader reports that when the patient died, the attending doctor
recorded the following on the patient's chart: "Patient failed to fulfill
his wellness potential."
Another doctor reports that in a recent issue of the *American Journal
of Family Practice* fleas were called "hematophagous arthropod vectors."
A reader reports that the Army calls them "vertically deployed anti-
personnel devices." You probably call them bombs.
At McClellan Air Force base in Sacramento, California, civilian
mechanics were placed on "non-duty, non-pay status." That is, they were fired.
After taking the trip of a lifetime, our reader sent his twelve rolls
of film to Kodak for developing (or "processing," as Kodak likes to call it)
only to receive the following notice: "We must report that during the handling
of your twelve 35mm Kodachrome slide orders, the films were involved in an
unusual laboratory experience." The use of the passive is a particularly nice
touch, don't you think? Nobody did anything to the films; they just had a bad
experience. Of course our reader can always go back to Tibet and take his
pictures allover again, using the twelve replacement rolls Kodak so generously
sent him.
-- Quarterly Review of Doublespeak (NCTE)

A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest
in students.
-- John Ciardi

"A University without students is like an ointment without a fly."
-- Ed Nather, professor of astronomy at UT Austin

About all some men accomplish in life is to send a son to Harvard.

Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics,
because the stakes are so low.
-- Wallace Sayre

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
-- Benjamin Franklin


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